Page Updated On: April 26, 2023


Govt. of India has launched Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) (vide om no. 26/1/2014-APDRP dated 03rd Dec,2014) for  the  Urban  areas with  following components :-

  1. Strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution networks in the urban areas.
  2. Metering of distribution transformers / feeders / consumers in the urban areas.
  3. IT enablement of distribution sector and strengthening of distribution network under R-APDRP for 12th and 13th Plans by carrying forward the approved outlay for R-APDRP to IPDS.
  4. Schemes for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and IT enablement of balance urban towns are also included under IPDS. Scope of IT enablement has been extended to all 4041 towns as per Census 2011.
  5. Underground cabling to include additional demand of States and smart metering solution for performing UDAY States and Solar panels on Govt. buildings with net-metering are also permissible under the scheme.

Objective of the scheme

  • Accurate & reliable energy accounting on sustainable basis
  • Better accountability at all level.
  • Improve the reliability of the power supply.
  • 24×7 power supply for consumers in urban area.
  • Reduction of Losses to meet AT&C loss reduction trajectory.
  • Improvement in quality of supply like voltage level etc.
  • Improvement in quality of supply like voltage level, PF etc.
  • Prompt and effective solution to the consumer grievances.

Outlay & Budgetary Support

  • The components at (i) and (ii) above have an estimated outlay of Rs 32,612 crore including a budgetary support of Rs 25,354 crore from Government of India during the entire implementation period.
  • R-APDRP scheme cost of Rs 44,011 crore including a budgetary support of Rs 22,727 crore as already approved by CCEA will be carried forward to the new scheme of IPDS in addition to the outlay for components at (i) and (ii) indicated above.

Funding Pattern

  • GoI Grant = 60% (85% for special category States).
  • Additional Grant = 15% (5% for special category States) – linked to achievement of milestones.
  • Ministry of Power designated PFC (Power Finance Corporation Ltd) as the nodal agency for implementation of IPDS programme, under the guidance of Ministry of Power (MoP).
  • Project Management Agency –As per IPDS guidelines UPCL has appointed “M/s Medhaj Techno Concept Pvt. Ltd” as Project Management Agency.
  • Total DPR cost sanctioned under IPDS for Uttarakhand state       :               Rs 190.68 Cr.

SUMMARY of Works / Project Cost in Uttarakhand State

S.No. Particular Unit Qty proposed under IPDS
1 33/11 KV  S/S : New Nos 1
2 33/11 KV  S/S : Additional Transformer Nos. 4
3 33/11 KV  S/S : Transformer capacity enhancement Nos. 37
4 Different works/ items for Renovation & Modernization of 33/11 kV SS Nos. 1893
5 New 33 KV new feeders/Bifurcation of feeders: Kms 112
6 33 KV feeders Reconductoring/Augmentation Kms 87
7 11 kV Line : New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation Kms 227
8 11 kV Line : Augmentation/Reconductoring Kms 215
9 UG Cable Kms 4.50
10 Installation of Distribution Transformer Nos. 248
11 Capacity enhancement of LT sub-station Nos. 84
12 LT Line : New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation (AB Conductor) Kms 165
13 LT Line : Augmentation/Reconductoring (AB Conductor) Kms 505
14 Capacitor Bank Nos. 13
15 Metering Nos. 29891
16 Provisioning of solar panel kWP 153
17 Others Lot 5865