Every division dealing with revenue and commercial work is required to prepare and submit the following monthly commercial statement to facilitate the head office in maintaining the statistics and watching their performance:
- Energy Account
This statement contains the monthly as well as progressive figures of energy received, energy sold, energy lost and percentage losses in the Division.
- Statement CS – 3
This statement contains the details of number of consumers, contract load and units sold.
- Statement CS – 4
This statement contains the details of units sold, assessment, realization and arrears of revenue from sale of electricity including delayed payment surcharge and levies of GoU (electricity duty and green energy cess).
- Statement SG – IV
This statement is prepared for each category / subcategory and contains the division wise details of unit sold, assessment, realization and arrears of revenue from sale of electricity including delayed payment surcharge and levies of GoU (electricity duty and green energy cess).
- Statement showing Open Access details
This statement shows the details in respect of Open Access Consumers and contains number of consumers, load, energy procured through open access and open access charges along with Government levies (electricity duty & green energy cess).
Document Regarding Policy on provisioning and Writing Off of Bad and Doubtful Debts Download
Document Regarding Scheme for Grid Interacted Rooftop and Small SPV Power Plants solar-rooftop-2174
Commercial Information: April, 2018 to February, 2019 (Commercial Information April 2018 to Feb 2019)
Commercial Diary